UP cops, who assaulted a Hindu girl in ‘Love-Jihad’ case, transferred to Gorakhpur; opposition calls foul

UP cops, who assaulted a Hindu girl in ‘Love-Jihad’ case, transferred to Gorakhpur; opposition calls foul

UP cops, who assaulted a Hindu girl in ‘Love-Jihad’ case, transferred to Gorakhpur; opposition calls foul

Saurabh Sharma

Meerut: The three police personnel who were suspended last Tuesday after a video that went viral showed them assaulting a young Hindu woman for befriending a Muslim man in Meerut, have been transferred, following suspension.

According to the Additional Director General (ADG) Prashant Kumar, Neetu Singh, head constable, has been transferred to Varanasi zone, while constables Salek Chand and Priyanka, have been sent to Gorakhpur.

Their suspension has not been revoked yet and a departmental inquiry is underway.


The video showed one of the female cops thrash the woman while the male cop questioned her why she liked a Muslim man being a Hindu herself?

“They will continue to remain under suspension until the investigation is completed by the police,” Kumar said, to facilitate a fair probe into the matter. On being asked whether any arrests have been made in this case, the senior police officer said that the victims’ statements are being recorded by the police, and that they will definitely take action against the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) members who stirred this ‘unnecessary’ controversy.

“Any action will be taken only once the investigation has been completed, and we are also contemplating on calling friends of the girl for their statements,” he added. Kumar also added that a letter has been written to District Commandant Home Guards for the termination of HG Sainserpal, who was also present inside the police response vehicle (PRV) during the assault.

On September 23, UP police had apprehended the two friends based on a complaint by VHP activists, who claimed that it was a case of Love-Jihad. The girl was assaulted by the aforementioned cops, after which the video went viral on social media inviting flak from all corners of society.

The victim’s mother said that she is not interested in pursuing this issue or visiting the police station repeatedly, as it would interfere with her daughter’s education.

When asked about the entire issue and about the cops’ transfer, she said that she has no faith in the police and would not like to take it further.

According to Samajwadi Party (SP) spokesperson, Ameeque Jamai, this step of the government will boost morale of the tainted policemen. Jamai says being posted to the CM’s home district is a matter of pride, and rather a privilege for these policemen who deserved to be punished.  

“The CM has been using police services for his political interest ”, the SP spokesperson accused. He also said that the cops should not have been transferred before the enquiry was completed.

Meanwhile, the UP BJP spokesperson Rakesh Tripathi has termed it as a ‘routine exercise’. “This is not an issue and transfers in police department or any other government department are regular departmental exercise. It will help the investigation officer to complete its probe fairly,” he said.


(Author is Lucknow-based freelance journalist and a member of 101Reporters.com, a pan-India network of grassroots reporters)

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