The rise in demand for bricks has aided employment and a shift to less polluting technologies, but under-reporting of the sector’s energy consumption in official documents has made it difficult to bring about binding regulations to reduce its carbon footprint
Tamil Nadu: India is the world’s second-largest producer of bricks, which also form a small yet
significant export for the country. Officially, the country uses 35 million
tonnes of coal and 25 million tonnes of biomass to produce bricks. While there
is no complete record of coal consumption in this highly unorganised industry, the use of biomass fuels is not officially recorded as they are sourced locally.
An IIT Bombay study published
in Nature last year covering 150 districts found
that the sector’s energy use is 100 times higher than what India had reported
in its official report to
the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Dr
Sameer Maithel, one of the authors of the study, tells 101Reporters that the dissonance could be due to the
specificity of UNFCCC’s reporting requirements.
In its biennial report to the UNFCCC, the Government of India has been showing a declining
trend in the brick sector’s coal use by
quoting data from its annual publication Energy
Statistics. When coal consumption is presented graphically,
bricks form only a negligible part of the whole. As a result, Energy
Statistics showed 0% coal consumption in brick manufacturing in
a graph for 2022 and 2023.
“As early as the 1980s, brick fields were the second or third largest
consumers of coal in the country,” Maithel says. Forty years later, brick
manufacturing is the nation’s third-largest coal consumer.
Brick manufacturing uses 990 petajoules of energy, which is over 60% of
the energy needed for steel production (1,400 petajoules) and about 80% higher
than cement (550 petajoules). “We found a large under-reporting in current
official estimates of energy consumption, with actual energy consumption
comparable to that in the steel and cement industries in the country," the
study says. Reason: the brick sector is less regulated and
Brick making is essential for the construction industry. “The maximum
growth of construction is expected from rural India, where kuccha [mud]
houses are making way for pucca [brick] homes,” points
out J John, former executive director, Centre for Education and
Production of bricks touched 52,000 tonnes in January 2012, and the demand was estimated to grow at least by 6% to touch 500 billion bricks annually by 2030. However, the 2016 demonetisation led to a drop in offtake of produced bricks by up to 75%. Then came the rollout of Goods and Services Tax in 2017, which led to a brick manufacturers’ strike. The next was the COVID-19 lockdowns of 2020.
In August 2023, brick and non-ceramic tiles production was 41,000 tonnes, still 25% below the peak of 52,000 tonnes. Notably, it was within this period of lower than normal production that the researchers found that energy consumption was 100 times higher.
After demonetisation, Goods and Services Tax, brick manufacturers’ strike and COVID-19 lockdown the sector is recovering
Between 225 and 250 billion bricks — about 125 bricks per Indian — are manufactured annually, with the majority produced in a manner
that is dangerous to both human and planet health. In the next decade, the demand is expected to quadruple.
The key factors that decide the rate of energy consumption are the kiln technology, production capacity and the fuel mix (coal, biomass, fly ash and piped natural gas) used. Following the enactment of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, energy consumption regulation in brick kilns has been attempted with limited success. In the last two decades, brick manufacturing has been strategic to the international efforts to arrest global warming, and India’s performance has come under scanner.
There have always been low barriers for brick entrepreneurs. Janta Bricks owner Anant Nath Singh launched his stack or haath
bhata unit in south Bihar, the present-day Jharkhand, in 1975. He
invested Rs 30,000 and employed about 100 workers to produce about 20 lakh
bricks in the first year, thus recovering his investment within a year. In the
last 50 years, change has been constant, but it accelerated since the 1990s.
“We need to accept scientific advances and move with the times,” Singh
tells 101Reporters, while narrating how he transitioned to the Fixed Chimney
Bull’s Trench Kiln (FCBTK) in 2001 by investing Rs 25 lakh. He
also expanded the production capacity to around 30 lakh bricks per annum.
In 2018, when regulations tightened, he made an additional investment of
Rs 50 lakh to convert to zig zag, which
reduced coal consumption from 20 tonnes to 12 tonnes for producing one lakh
bricks. Notably, this investment paid back in under two years.
Bharat Bricks owner Jalal Khan (50) entered the sector as a worker in
the moving chimney and stack kilns at the age of 12, before transitioning into
a contractor. In 2012, he set up an FCBTK unit in Uttar Pradesh’s Mathura
district by investing Rs 50 lakh. He transitioned to zig zag in 2021, and
expects to recoup his investment by this year.
Manufacturers are willing to invest because it helps them reduce
production costs. “In 2014, no kilns in Bihar used zig zag technology. Today,
over 80% of the 8,000 kilns have transitioned to it. Conversion costs about Rs
40 lakh. All of these resources are found and invested by the entrepreneurs
themselves,” says Maithel.
Around two crore people work in nearly 1.50 lakh brickfields across the
country. Nearly 60% of these brickfields are in the Indo-Gangetic belt. At the kilns, entire families work briskly to mould clay, mix soil,
frame, fill, stack, carry, fire and stack bricks again.
“There has been a de-emphasis on labour globally while environmental
consciousness has grown,” explains John, a long-time advocate of the rights of kiln
workers. He says 50,000 to one lakh kilns were employing about 5% of India’s
workforce a decade ago (NSSO, 2011-12). Both figures could have grown
substantially by now.
As per the government data from February last year, the country has about 1.40 lakh registered and unregistered brick kilns. Workers are the poorest and the most indebted. Being seasonal migrants, they most likely do not have access to social security schemes. In the past decade, efforts have been made for their inclusion under the public distribution system and other government schemes by registering them on the e-Shram portal.
Around two crore people work in nearly 1.50 lakh brickfields across the country. They are often seasonal migrants, poor and indebted (Photo - Flickr/WBK Photography)
Anant Nath Singh, also the president of Jharkhand Brick
Association, says there was no shortage of skilled workers earlier. “In Bihar, paatla [moulder] was a traditional
occupation. Over the decades, families have preferred education for their children as it will lead them to other professions.”
When Sandhya* (23) from Bihar works at a brick kiln in Uttar Pradesh, her daughter aged three is looked after at the day care centre run by a non-profit at the site. On the phone, Sandhya says once in eight days she and her husband together receive Rs 100 per day for expenses. They also got a cash advance of Rs 15,000. They expect to return home in May with only double that amount despite the hard work.
“Majboori hai,” she says, because there are few work
opportunities back home. The couple used to work in farms to receive only rice
as compensation. Sandhya is clear that once her child reaches the school-going
age, she would not be travelling for work. “Uska bhavishya dekhna hai [we
have to prioritise her future],” she adds.
The future she has planned is in stark contrast to the lived experience
of Purshottam* (27) from a village in Gaya. He began travelling with
his parents to work at brick kilns as a child. While his memory is hazy,
Purshottam estimates that he was 12 when he began making bricks.
As calculations are done at the season’s end, he usually has little idea
how much he will return home with. In good times, after deductions for
the facilities provided (blanket, for example), it will be twice or thrice the
advance he received.
However, Jalal claims a couple can make between Rs 2 to 3 lakh after
deducting all expenses, provided they work continuously.
Manoj* from Nawada has been a kiln worker for four to five years. When asked about alternative employment, he draws a blank. Clearly, he has not given it a thought.
India is the world’s second-largest producer of bricks and brick manufacturing is the nation’s third-largest coal consumer (Photo - Flickr/Gary Todd)
Negative perception
AK Tewari, president of the All India Brick and Tile Manufacturing Federation,
tells 101Reporters that there is a negative perception
regarding the brick sector. He attributes it to “air pollution, irresponsible
earth mining and undocumented employment”. At the national level, air pollution
has taken up the maximum mind space, and at the global level undocumented
employment, labelled as slavery.
This perception does not acknowledge the changes made at the unit
level. India has had a law since 1981 to prevent and
control air pollution. Kiln emissions are higher during the three
peak winter months when wind speeds are slower and particulate matter tends to
hover in the air.
Administrative and policy attention towards air pollution gathered pace
in 1996, when the Supreme Court mandated shutting of kilns with moving chimney
technology. At that time, suspended particulate matter (SPM) was above 2000
mg/Nm3. Sustained efforts brought it down to three figures, with the mandate to
be below 250mg/Nm3 at the stack. Even in the peak winter months, SPM remains
between 750-500 mg/Nm3 now. However, this progress has never been acknowledged,
notes Tewari.
Solutions exist and are not difficult to implement. Maithel suggests
that focus needs to move away from national or state level policy to engaging
with the Indo-Gangetic belt as a region.
Tewari suggests focusing on standardisation of brick size. In the UK,
from where the ubiquitous kiln design was adapted, the brick size is fixed and
mandated. In India, three sizes have been scientifically developed and fixed,
but they have not been mandated. A shift away from solid bricks to hollow
bricks would be more environmentally supportive. It would require
mechanisation, bringing down job prospects by 90%.
To deal with the demographic implications, Tewari suggests an
incremental approach of phase down and then phase out. The lack of a single
point of contact or a nodal ministry to engage with the sector is a
drawback here.
On December 15 last year, a gazette
notification brought decades of
confrontation between the brick manufacturers and the Ministry of Environment
to a settlement. All units have to move to zig zag technology by 2025. It marks
a transition from colonial-era technology to an industry contributing not just
to a healthier national balance sheet, but hopefully also to the spirit of the
Constitution, particularly Article 23.
*Names changed to protect privacy
Edited by Rekha Pulinnoli
Cover photo - Women working in a brick kiln in India (Photo - Flickr/ILO, Joydeep Mukherjee)
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