
Climate Resilience: Role of Water-Energy-Food Nexus

01 Apr, 2021
Climate Resilience: Role of Water-Energy-Food Nexus

In the history of the global climate change conferences, it was in the recent COP26 that for the first time there was a separate Water pavilion. Water economy management has faced negligence on the climate discussion table till yet but it is time that water is given the centerstage. Water forms the key bridge in the energy-food supply chain. Water resource management will be crucial to the energy transition planning of India – where till two years back, there was no separate department to focus on water scarcity.

In this episode, we are joined by Dr Aditi Mukherji, principal researcher, International Water Management Institute. We will discuss the water-energy-food nexus, how clean energy and water conservation go hand in hand and the role water will play in climate adaptation. Dr Mukherji has close to two decades of experience working in the water resource management space. She is considered an authority on groundwater governance, energy-irrigation nexus and community management of water resources.

Suggested Links:

1. Profile of Aditi -

2. Solar irrigation for agriculture resilience – ongoing project by IWMI

3. Role of groundwater in agrarian change in West Bengal and Bangladesh: A comparative analysis -


Sandeep Pai
He is an award-winning journalist and researcher and author of a book “Total Transition: The Human Side of the Renewable Energy Revolution.”

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About Podcast Producer
Manas Mishra
Manas Mishra
Podcast Producer
Manas Mishra, is a multimedia expert and sound engineer with 101Reporters.

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