It’s never too late! Tune into Off the Record by 101Reporters to practice journalism vicariously through the editorial desk.
At 101Reporters, we are democratising journalism. Join us for the most exciting bits of the job— experiences on the field, the conversations between the reporters and the desk and so much more— by tuning into Off the Record. We are a network of 2500+ grassroots journalists which produces compelling stories under the creative commons license.
Unlike other podcasts, we give you a variety of hosts. We are too chatty for a desk, and ask ‘why’ for almost everything. Each week one of us will be with one of our reporters Off the Record!
Script: Khwaish Gupta
Voice Over: Khwaish Gupta, Aishwarya Tripathi & Tejas Dayananda Sagar
Audio Editor: Tejas Dayananda Sagar
Archita Puranik